K O N A M I B O Y Z: The Complete Collection
by K O N A M I B O Y Z
released: September 14 2015
- InsertCoin
- Princess
- I'llSaveYou
- ManaFountain
- DarkForest
- RememberToSaveYourGame
- ToTheMoon
- Demon'sLair
- Victory(GoodEnding)
- NightFalls(BadEnding)
- ActionReplay
- MasterCode
- SpawnPowerUp(PressSELECT+B)
- ResetI
- UnlockAllStages
- UnlockAllCharacters
- InfiniteLives
- ResetII
- PlayAsUnknown
- CorruptedSave
- ANewAdventure
- ModernRPG
- SecondaryQuests
- SacredSunRitual
- ElementalMagic
- PopSummons
- HealingInn
- WrongCastle
- FullParty
- ChangeDifficulty
- HiddenContent
- Don'tLeaveMe(Mr.Kojima)
- QueenOfHearts
- EndOfTheAdventure
- DLC_01
- DLC_02
- DLC_03
- DLC_04
- DLC_05
- DLC_06
- DLC_07
- DLC_08
- DLC_09
- DLC_10
- DLC_11
- DLC_12
- DLC_13
- DLC_14
- DecemberBreeze
- Fireplace
- TVAds
- WaitingForSanta
- ToysUnderTheTree
- TheMeaningOfChristmas
The greatest compilation of history is now on Ailanthus Recordings!!
Featuring the full discography of KONAMIBOYZ! Including:
-Their first and second studio release: KONAMICODE and FEEL THE CODE 2K
-A Whole REWORK of their live tour from 2000: REVIVAL TOUR 2000!
-A Complete Collection of UNRELEASED INSTRUMENTALS made by producer and "Mysteryous K-boi", Apolo Trevent
-And Many more surprises!
Get your body ready for 2 HOURS of music ready to blast your mind off! GET IT NOW!
Interpreted by: Apolo Trevent, Bacus Prowers and Eros Fillarmore
Released by: Ailanthus Recordings